
What Are The Types Of Pole Dancing?

The types of pole dancing are Fitness and Sport Pole Dancing, Artistic and Performance Pole Dancing, Exotic Pole Dancing, and using Pole as Therapy.


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What are the types of pole dancing?

What are the types of pole dancing?

Pole dancing is a dynamic and diverse form of exercise that has evolved into various styles each serving different artistic and fitness goals.

In this article, I will explore the different types of pole dancing, including Fitness and Sport Pole DancingArtistic and Performance Pole DancingExotic Pole Dancing, and using Pole as Therapy.

Each style has its unique characteristics and benefits, which makes pole dancing a versatile activity suitable for a wide range of interests and abilities.

Whether you’re looking for a rigorous workout, an expressive art form, or a gentle physical therapy routine, there’s a type of pole dancing that can cater to your needs.

Let’s delve deeper into these styles to understand what each one offers and how they differ.

Key Takeaways

  • Variety of Styles: Pole dancing includes various styles like fitness, artistic, exotic, and therapeutic, each serving different purposes.
  • Fitness Benefits: Fitness and Sport Pole Dancing focuses on physical strength, flexibility, and stamina.
  • Expressive Form: Artistic and Performance Pole Dancing is about expression, creativity, and interpreting music.
  • Sensual Aspect: Exotic Pole Dancing highlights sensuality and often includes dance elements performed in high heels.
  • Healing and Recovery: Pole as Therapy utilizes pole dancing as a form of physical and mental rehabilitation, promoting healing and comfort.

Fitness and Sport Pole Dancing

Pole dancing has been widely recognized for its fitness benefits, and Fitness and Sport Pole Dancing is a prime example of this.

This type of pole dancing emphasizes physical strength, endurance, and flexibility, which are essential for performing various pole tricks and routines.

It incorporates elements similar to gymnastics and requires rigorous training to master complex spins, holds, and aerial tricks.

Participants often engage in regular workouts to enhance their core strength and overall muscle tone, making this style not only a performance art but also an effective full-body workout.

For those looking to improve their physical fitness in a dynamic and challenging way, this style of pole dancing might be the perfect fit.

Artistic and Performance Pole Dancing

In Artistic and Performance Pole Dancing, the focus shifts from the physical to the expressive.

This style is characterized by its use of pole dancing as a form of artistic expression where dancers interpret the music and convey emotions through their movements.

Choreography in this style can include dramatic storylines, costumes, and thematic elements that enhance the performance and connect with the audience on an emotional level.

Dancers use the pole not just as a tool for acrobatic feats, but as a partner to express stories and emotions, making each performance unique and personal.

This style appeals to those who love dancing and theatrical arts, offering a platform to merge physical strength with creative expression.

Exotic Pole Dancing

Exotic Pole Dancing is a form that emphasizes sensuality and graceful movements often performed in high heels.

This style of pole dancing focuses on floor work, sultry poses, and fluid transitions that highlight flexibility and body control.

Exotic pole dancers use slower, more deliberate movements to create a captivating visual performance that can also be empowering for the dancers themselves.

This style often incorporates elements of dance and sometimes burlesque, offering a more provocative approach to pole dancing.

Exotic pole dancing is not just about seduction; it’s a celebration of body confidence and artistic expression, making it popular among those who wish to explore the more sensual side of pole dancing.

Pole as Therapy

Pole as Therapy uses the art of pole dancing as a means of physical and mental rehabilitation.

This style is particularly gentle and focuses on slow, controlled movements that help with mobility, balance, and strengthening without straining the body.

It’s an excellent option for those recovering from injuries or dealing with chronic pain. Additionally, Pole as Therapy can have significant mental health benefits, including improving self-esteem, reducing depression, and relieving stress.

It provides a safe space for individuals to gradually build their physical capacity while also offering a creative outlet for emotional expression.

This therapeutic approach makes pole dancing accessible to a broader audience, emphasizing health and wellness over performance and competition.


In conclusion, pole dancing is a multifaceted activity that encompasses various styles catering to different goals and preferences.

From the physically demanding Fitness and Sport Pole Dancing to the expressive Artistic and Performance Pole Dancing, the sensual Exotic Pole Dancing, and the healing Pole as Therapy, there is a style for everyone.

Each type offers unique benefits, whether it’s improving physical fitness, expressing creativity, enhancing sensuality, or supporting rehabilitation.

Pole dancing proves to be more than just a dance form; it’s a versatile and inclusive activity that encourages self-expression, health, and wellness in many forms.

Whether you are looking to challenge yourself physically, explore your artistic side, or find a comforting therapeutic activity, pole dancing has something to offer.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What should I wear for pole dancing classes? For pole dancing, it’s important to wear attire that allows your skin to grip the pole. Typically, shorts and a tank top or sports bra are recommended. Avoid lotions or oils before class as they can make the pole slippery.
  2. Is pole dancing a good workout? Absolutely, pole dancing is an excellent full-body workout. It combines strength training, flexibility, and cardiovascular exercise, all in one. Regular practice can improve muscle tone, increase flexibility, and boost overall fitness levels.
  3. Can men participate in pole dancing? Certainly, pole dancing is inclusive and beneficial for everyone, regardless of gender. Men can gain significant strength, flexibility, and artistic expression through pole dancing. Classes are available for all genders, and increasingly, men are participating and excelling in this sport.
  4. How often should I practice pole dancing to see improvement? Improvement in pole dancing, like any other skill, depends on regular practice. Most people see noticeable improvements with at least two to three sessions per week. Consistency is key to advancing in pole techniques and building the necessary strength and flexibility.
  5. Are there age restrictions for pole dancing? Pole dancing is adaptable and can be practiced by people of most ages. However, it is generally recommended for adults, as it requires a certain level of physical strength and maturity. Specific classes might be available for younger individuals focusing more on the athletic and artistic components of pole dancing.