
How To Deal With Pole Burn

Pole dancing is an exciting and athletic form of fitness that combines dance and acrobatics around a vertical pole. However, one of the common issues many beginners and experienced pole dancers face is pole burn. This typically occurs due to repeated friction between the skin and the pole, leading to mild abrasions or burns. In this…


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How to deal with pole burn

How to deal with pole burn

Pole dancing is an exciting and athletic form of fitness that combines dance and acrobatics around a vertical pole.

However, one of the common issues many beginners and experienced pole dancers face is pole burn. This typically occurs due to repeated friction between the skin and the pole, leading to mild abrasions or burns.

In this article, I will share insights based on my eight years of experience in pole fitness to help you understand what pole burn is, how you can prevent it, treat it, and continue enjoying your pole dancing sessions safely.

We will explore the causes of pole burn, preventive tips, immediate and long-term treatment methods, strengthening exercises to reduce the risk, and how the right accessories can make a significant difference.

Whether you are starting out or looking to refine your technique, understanding how to manage pole burn is essential for a smoother and more comfortable pole fitness journey.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding Pole Burn: Recognizing pole burn and understanding its causes can help prevent and address it effectively.
  • Preventive Measures: Implementing certain practices like proper technique and using protective accessories can significantly reduce the risk of pole burn.
  • Immediate Treatment: Knowing immediate treatment steps for pole burn can help alleviate symptoms quickly and prevent further irritation.
  • Strengthening Exercises: Engaging in specific exercises enhances muscle strength and grip, thus minimizing the occurrence of pole burn.
  • Long-term Care and Prevention: Maintaining long-term skin care and using appropriate pole accessories can ensure ongoing prevention and comfort.

Understanding Pole Burn

Pole burn is essentially a form of friction burn that occurs when the skin slides against the pole’s surface.

This can lead to redness, soreness, and even minor abrasions, particularly in areas where the skin is tender or less conditioned to the metal’s touch.

It commonly happens during spins, climbs, or any move that requires prolonged skin contact with the pole.

Understanding that pole burn results from the combination of pressure and movement against the pole helps dancers adjust their technique to mitigate its occurrence.

It’s also important to note that everyone’s skin reacts differently, and tolerance levels can vary from person to person.

Prevention of Pole Burn

Preventing pole burn is key to maintaining comfort and consistency in pole fitness. One of the most effective measures is proper technique.

Learning the correct grips and movements from experienced instructors can dramatically reduce unnecessary friction. Additionally, ensuring that you perform a thorough warm-up is crucial.

Warm muscles are more flexible and less prone to injuries and irritation from the pole.

Another important aspect of prevention is skin conditioning. Regular practice not only builds muscle but also gradually conditions the skin to better withstand the friction against the pole.

However, avoid over-exerting newly exposed skin areas too quickly. It’s vital to give your skin time to adapt.

Treatment of Pole Burn

When you experience pole burn, the first step is to address it immediately to alleviate discomfort and prevent further damage. 

Cool the affected area gently with a clean cloth dampened with cool water. This helps soothe the burn and reduce inflammation.

Avoid using ice directly on the skin, as this can cause further irritation.

After cooling, it’s beneficial to apply a thin layer of aloe vera gel or another soothing skin care product designed for burns.

These products help in moisturizing the area and promote healing. Keep the area clean and try to minimize friction or pressure on it until it heals completely.

Strengthening Exercises

Strengthening exercises play a crucial role in reducing the occurrence of pole burn by building muscle endurance and improving grip.

One effective way to strengthen the muscles used in pole dancing is to perform pull-ups and leg lifts.

These exercises enhance upper body and core strength, providing better control and reducing slippage on the pole.

In addition, grip training exercises can be very beneficial. Using grip strengtheners or even squeezing a tennis ball can help fortify the muscles in your hands and fingers, leading to a more secure and stable grip on the pole.

By improving your overall strength and grip, you can execute movements with more precision, minimizing unnecessary friction that leads to pole burn.

Using Appropriate Accessories

Utilizing the right accessories can greatly lessen the incidence of pole burn. 

Grip aids such as liquid chalk or grip lotions can enhance your hold on the pole by reducing moisture and increasing friction where needed, without causing harmful skin drag.

It’s important to choose a product that works well with your skin type and the climate in which you’re training.

In addition to grip aids, wearing protective clothing can provide a barrier between your skin and the pole.

Items like leg warmers or arm sleeves made from non-slip materials can cover vulnerable areas without compromising your ability to perform pole tricks effectively.

Both of these types of accessories not only help in preventing pole burn but also enhance your confidence and performance by providing additional support and safety during practice or performances.


Dealing with pole burn effectively enhances the pole dancing experience, making it safer and more enjoyable.

By understanding what pole burn is and implementing preventive measures like mastering proper techniques and using protective gear, you can significantly reduce its occurrence.

Immediate and appropriate treatment of pole burn when it does occur helps in quick recovery and prevents further complications.

Also, regular strengthening exercises for relevant muscles and consistent grip training are vital in building resilience against pole burn.

Remember, the key to a fulfilling pole dance and fitness journey lies in taking thoughtful care of your body while challenging it to perform better.

With these guidelines, you’re better equipped to manage the common but manageable issue of pole burn.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the fastest way to heal pole burn?
    The fastest way to heal pole burn is to cool the affected area immediately with cool water, apply a soothing agent like aloe vera, and keep the area clean and dry. Ensure minimal friction against the burn while it heals.
  2. Can I still pole dance with a pole burn?
    While you can technically continue pole dancing with a light pole burn, it’s advised to cover the affected area with protective clothing and avoid excessive friction. If the burn is severe, it’s best to rest and allow it to heal fully to prevent worsened injuries.
  3. How can I prevent pole burn during a long practice session?
    To prevent pole burn during extended practice sessions, use a grip aid to enhance handhold, wear protective clothing over vulnerable areas, and take frequent breaks to minimize continuous friction.
  4. Are there any specific products recommended for treating pole burn?
    Products containing aloe vera, vitamin E, and other soothing, healing ingredients are commonly recommended for treating pole burn. It’s also beneficial to use an antiseptic to clean the wound if the skin is broken.
  5. How often should I practice pole dancing to reduce the risk of pole burn?
    Regular practice can help condition your skin and build muscle, reducing the risk of pole burn. However, gradually increase the frequency and intensity of your sessions to allow your body to adapt properly without causing harm.